Digital Marketing Services Laois: The Importance of Digital Marketing for Your Business!

by | Nov 25, 2019 | Digital Marketing Tips

The Importance of Digital Marketing for Your Business!

Digimark is a small teamed digital agency based in Portlaoise, Co.Laois, Ireland. We provide digital marketing services such as web design and web development, e-commerce, and SEO – Search Engine Optimisation to help you rank higher for search results and backlink building. We also provide PPC ad management that focuses on reducing cost per click, increasing impression share, increasing Click-through rate and ultimately bringing your website qualified traffic and more sales.

How does online marketing work?

How to get more traffic? It depends on a lot of things. If your business is in Laois and your customers are in Laois, well then you will want to rank for search words used by people in Laois. It might be something as simple as “Event Catering”. People in Laois looking for “Event Catering” could search “Event Catering Laois” as they only want local providers of that service. But even if they input the phrase “Event Catering” Google considers the IP location of the user to deliver the best possible results for the services provided in the surrounding location.

Online marketing uses digital platforms and tools to bring more traffic to you, the website owner. Driving more traffic to your website entails a variety of marketing efforts from Social Media Marketing, PPC advertising, and on and off-page SEO to regular quality and relevant content publishing on your blog or news page. Your goals or objectives may be different but the principle is always the same. More traffic = more sales/sign-ups etc, There are several things you must have in place to make your digital marketing efforts successful. You must have a well-designed website. You must have a product or service and you must be able to satisfy your customer’s needs with those products or services.

Digital marketing services in Laois requires you to know your target audience, where they are located both geographically and digitally and to acquire the best route or course of action to get them to click on your website and take an appropriate step that will result in a conversion of some sort for you. Be that a sale, a signup or a download. Then you have to be able to deliver your promise and that usually requires several other actions like follow-up emails (CRM tools)to complete the transaction, invoicing, and sustaining the relationship with further content delivery or offers.

What assets do I need for digital marketing?

You will need the following digital marketing assets

  • Registered domain name for your website
  • Hosting – website/domain name/mail
  • Well designed website
  • Social Media Accounts
  • Your product or service ready to be delivered or shipped
  • SOPs -standard operating procedures for your product or service delivery
  • Digital Marketing Strategy
  • Know your target audience
  • Digital Marketing Budget

What is a Digital Marketing Strategy?

Our online marketing strategy is a road map of actionable steps that will ensure you get more qualified traffic to your website. It entails several tasks broken down into various categories, all of which will have a positive effect on the overall objective of making your business more successful. You may already have a well-designed website but it isn’t ranking, you may be in a very competitive niche that is hard to rank for, you may be overspending on your Google Ads, your content may be of poor quality, your site speed and performance may need enhancing, your content may not be very engaging. So the solution may vary depending on each case but the bottom line is you must have an actionable strategy, time-bound and measurable. Then these efforts can be reviewed and reiterated for even better results.

How do I measure my online Marketing success?

Once we have a digital strategy in place, there will be some key performance indicators that can be used to measure success. Impression share, click-through rate, time spent on the site, post engagement, forms submitted, emails collected etc. The most important unit to measure is how much it costs to convert a website visitor into a customer. This is the most important indicator that we should be working on and reducing that cost whilst maintaining growth should be our aim. We cannot of course reduce it to nothing but a simple example would be by increasing our Quality word score within an adword campaign, which in turn would reduce our cost per click on higher competing keywords and would therefore be a positive indicator. Our strategy would have a number of these indicators that are important for success.

How do I sustain my Digital Marketing efforts?

Yes, sustainability is staying the course and managing your online marketing success. There are always newbies around the corner who will be eager to take your spot. Competition is a good thing and digital marketing is no different than any other it is probably harder than most as online media is almost the only way to get your message out there today. Whatever efforts we are making and we see that we are getting good results well then we can ramp it up. That is unit economics at its simplest. But we have to be creative as well, using the appropriate social media platforms for our audience. Content is king so whether that is video content which is where marketing is quickly going as we have less appetite for reading long scripts or written content, it has to be useful, relevant engaging or entertaining. Once we have a marketing formula we just have to maintain our actionable steps and keep measuring our efforts. Then review and reiterate.

What Digital Marketing Services Does Digimark provide?

Digimark’s online agency services are as follows. We have the experience and knowledge for the following

  • Digital Marketing Campaign Management
  • Full comprehensive reporting on all landscapes and platforms
  • SEO – Search Engine Optimisation (On Page )
  • SEO – Search Engine Optimisation (High-Quality Backlink )
  • PPC – Google Ad Management
  • Ad word campaign Grading – Ad campaign Audit
  • SEO Website Audit
  • Website management -Core files/ Software and Updates
  • Hosting – Dedicated not shared / your IP
  • Web Design and Development
  • Logo Design
  • Creative Graphic Design for Social Media Ads
  • ECommerce Shopping Cart
  • Content and Copywriting
  • Video Content Creation

Digital Marketing Services Laois: How Costly is Digital Marketing?

It all comes down to how much you value each customer within your business. What is the value of having a lifetime customer, a customer for a year, or a once-off transaction? If you then know how much it costs you to acquire each customer for your business you can decide what kind of budget you are willing to align to each acquisition. If it costs you €12 to acquire each customer online and you know you can cater for 100 customers a week well then your budget is going to be €1200 a week. If your profit per customer (lifetime or longtime) for each transaction is say €5000 over many years well then you have spent your money well.

There are of course other factors which come into play when deciding what your business will spend as it is not always as simple as that. There could be some issues that need addressing to compete in the marketplace. Your business website may not be properly optimised or designed, You may need new content, your navigation may need a new layout, and you may need help with your strategy development. You might want to start a new social media business account. The first thing to do is assess where you are at presently. How much will it cost to address any inadequacies? Now that you are ready to compete and you know the value of each customer type you can decide on a figure that it will cost to acquire them.

You may also need someone for website management or campaign management. It is often a lot cheaper to outsource these services rather than having a full or part-time employee.

If you require a digital marketer in Laois, contact Digimark today and experience the boost of your online presence in no time.

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