Reasons You Should Avoid Cheap SEO Packages

by | Jul 19, 2021 | SEO Tips

The main purpose of implementing an SEO strategy is to help improve the online visibility of any website. But you should be cautious in choosing an SEO agency partner, especially if you’re offered cheap SEO services. Your website may not deliver sustainable organic search performance if you allow an inexperienced service contractor to handle your SEO marketing plan. An SEO agency typically offers basic SEO services that include on-page, off-page, and technical SEO by which all are essential for a well-rounded organic search strategy.

What is an SEO Package?

Choosing the appropriate SEO package that suits a particular niche is not easy for clients. However, SEO agencies are now offering pre-selected SEO services to help business owners make informed decisions. Depending on the actual need of your website, you can choose among basic, advanced, or enterprise-level SEO packages. Each one offers a comprehensive service listing which may give you a clear picture of what you may expect after a few months.

Basic SEO packages are designed for businesses aiming to rank high at a regional level. This is suitable for service-oriented niches or small companies with multiple service locations. Meanwhile, advanced and enterprise SEO packages are designed for businesses aspiring to have more comprehensive market coverage and more organic traffic results. These flexible digital marketing services are more appropriate for industry-specific niches such as manufacturing, technology, corporate, and logistics.

Service inclusions for basic SEO packages often include:

  • Keyword research
  • Regular strategy discussion
  • Title tag and meta tag creation
  • Analytics configuration
  • Content creation and optimization
  • Technical SEO (Robots.txt, Sitemap, etc.)
  • Internal link building
  • On-page optimization
  • Off-page optimization (external link building)
  • Custom performance report
  • Personalized review calls
  • Lead generation

For advanced SEO packages, the following is the list of additional services in addition to basic SEO service listing:

  • Competitive keyword analysis
  • Market insight and competitor analysis
  • Content editing and gap resolution
  • Advanced on-page optimization
  • Advanced eCommerce focus
  • Conversion optimization

For enterprise SEO packages, the following are additional services for complete website optimization, in addition to listed services of basic and advanced SEO:

  • Advanced conversion optimization
  • Press release and website marketing management
  • Variation testing
  • Comprehensive usability report
  • Sales funnel tracking report
  • Duplicate content removal

How to Sell SEO Packages?

Do you think you need to learn everything about SEO before you can sell it to your clients? You need to understand how SEO works, but you don’t have to be highly technical to close deals with clients. The key to closing out a deal is having a good conversation and explaining SEO tactics that the client can easily understand. Your job is to translate the results of the SEO strategy to clients accurately while presenting how these will help their current business landscape. Here’s how you can do it:

1. Improving your value proposition

In creating sales communication, your value proposition should be clear to your customers, explaining why your services are helpful and how their customers may benefit from your strategy. This includes how your services can solve customer problems or how to improve their present condition. It would be best if you also showed in your value proposition how your services differ from other market competitors in your industry. In addition to this, the actual needs of your clients aren’t the same, so your value propositions should be presented in a unique approach. Consider writing an attractive headline, service description, benefits, and additional multimedia sources to make your offer stand out.

2. Creating impressive case studies

Just having an impressive portfolio is not enough to win clients. Consider accompanying your credentials with well-rounded SEO case studies where your project achievements are listed to help retain or make new clients in the future. Having diverse case studies to support your marketing narrative is essential, whether you want to show generic or industry-specific case studies for your SEO packages. When you make case studies, be sure to include timescales, showing what you can deliver within a specific period, in addition to measurable results.

3. Getting more social exposure

A valuable component of social strategy is to use multiple platforms to promote your SEO services. Setting up a blog page regarding SEO services can become effective to strengthen your online presence and generate organic search traffic. Consider launching comprehensive guides and infographics to enhance your website’s authoritativeness and create quality backlinks from other reputable sites. People move around, and the business landscape is changing all the time, so having regular posts and opinion pieces on social media channels should form part of your marketing plan to generate more customers.

4. Using customized cold emails

Cold emails often bother most businesses, so these sales messages are either ignored or brought directly to junk folders. It is essential to create a suitable email template for each company you’re trying to communicate with. And to get a reasonable response rate for your cold emails, consider using a customized subject line and personalized sales messages. This way, though it will need much time, you can avoid seeing your emails taken straight to spam filters, thus helping you generate interest from target customers for your SEO services.

5. Identifying your target niche

SEO services are in demand in various industries, so you can quickly establish your niche in the future. However, try to be diversified to expand your client network further and get new SEO projects. If all clients in your portfolio or case studies belong to the same industry, focus on that industry to further develop your expertise. But if you are starting as a freelancer or start-up SEO agency, consider researching industries that require SEO services, such as medical, legal, and home improvement services.

6. Resolving problems for your clients

If you want your SEO services to be in-demand, focus on being a solution provider for your prospective customers. You can lose potential clients if you only offer one standard SEO marketing plan regardless of what industry they are involved in. The majority of businesses are probably facing the same challenges, such as struggles to build an online presence or generating high-quality leads. However, their actual needs are still different from one another in reality. Remember that no one-size-fits-all approach can solve all digital marketing issues, so try to determine the client’s individual needs based on their business priorities and goals. Before you engage in any negotiation with clients, visit their current social media pages and web pages to identify recurring problems affecting their competitiveness that your SEO services can resolve.

7. Gathering quality client testimonials

It would be best if you did not ignore the importance of gathering credible customer testimonials because you can get positive recommendations and referrals from here. Testimonials help prospective clients know the capability and comprehensiveness of your SEO services. Encourage your customers to leave reviews or comments about your services, primarily if you have delivered them satisfying results. Also, consider putting a direct link on your testimonial page when you target potential businesses via email.

8. Limiting the use of SEO terms during a conversation

Not all clients may understand SEO terms or jargon, so make sure to explain your business proposal in a simple language they can easily understand. When presenting, use simple terms and explanations to understand how your SEO services will solve their current marketing problem.

9. Enhancing your brand reputation

Your services must be visible to your target market once you have identified the specific industries that may need your expertise. Create social media profiles, business profiles, and other accessible platforms while actively participating in forum communities. Only produce informative content to attract potential customers. These articles can be topics about trending SEO tactics or new digital marketing concepts that can help boost their online visibility.

Reasons to avoid Cheap SEO Packages in Ireland?

Effective and quality SEO should not be cheap because you only get what you pay for. If you want to capitalize on conversion opportunities, proper execution is the key to success, especially in leveraging SEO for your business. So it is not right to invest in cheap SEO services to save money. The following are reasons why you should avoid getting “affordable” SEO packages:

1. Low-quality links deliver no good result

When link building was introduced as an essential marketing tactic, generating quality and a good number of links was emphasized. Websites that secure quality links, whether internal or external, receive favorable results in their organic traffic performance. While most SEO agencies offer duplicate service listings, you may notice the difference in quality links and measurable results on SEO performance. As search engine algorithms evolve day by day, the link building strategies of SEO agencies also evolve dramatically.

Investing in poor-quality SEO services will put your brand at considerable risk of getting penalized for practicing lousy link building strategies. Suppose you find yourself working with an agency partner offering cheap SEO services. In that case, you may encounter links generated from automated software and published on poorly maintained websites with minimal authority. There is a high probability that your financial resources will be wasted because search engines will likely ignore your links and index your content correctly. As a result, the risk of getting your website removed permanently from the results page increases.

2. Lack of basic SEO requirements

High-quality content and credible backlinks are two of the most critical components of an SEO strategy. However, these two are both labor-intensive, meaning they account for a large percentage of your SEO capital investment. When you are offered cheap SEO services, it simply means that the SEO agency does not have enough capacity to produce informative content or sustain its capital outlay.

Low-cost SEO services won’t secure guest content placement on authoritative websites, particularly if the SEO agency cannot create informative long-form content, requiring significant investment in time and skills. Without the resources necessary to produce compelling content, these SEO providers may only use automated content creation tools to spin articles and make them appear relevant. Given that your content’s content directly reflects your brand, your organic traffic performance will be significantly affected if you use spinning articles or low-quality content. Not only do that, but low-cost SEO providers also generate quality links that can significantly influence your page rank and conversion. It will also be challenging to establish a connection with other authoritative sites if the capability of the SEO provider is limited.

3. Implementing one standard solution for all businesses

No two business forms are exactly alike, so the SEO approach should be designed based on individual circumstances and actual needs.

If you are negotiating with an SEO agency with a one-size-fits-all mentality, they are not likely to focus on your business interest and goals. There are numerous variables to consider to determine what appropriate SEO marketing plan should be offered to you. Some essential factors include your budget, level of competitiveness of your niche, type of industry your business belongs to, and sanctions or penalties that your website has previously acquired.

Reputable SEO providers thoroughly assess your business needs to determine if you want to improve your online visibility in the local or international market. A responsible SEO agency will take time to understand the core objective of your business and deliver measurable results. By way of contrast, however, low-cost SEO providers are only focused on generating a high volume of customers instead of focusing on your business interest. You also don’t have the leverage to hold SEO providers accountable for delivering poor SEO performance.

4. You can’t expect a long-term SEO strategy from cheap SEO contractors

Suppose you want realistic and measurable results for your website. In that case, you need patience and continuous effort to maintain your excellent organic traffic performance, especially if the nature of your industry is highly competitive. The formative stages of your SEO strategy need significant time and financial resources without seeing immediate results at first, which can be frustrating for first-time practitioners. Generating organic traffic will require time, human resources, and in-depth analysis from SEO professionals, something conventional business owners may not immediately understand. If an SEO agency promises fast results in your digital marketing campaign, you should never believe that SEO agency you’re dealing with. Cheap SEO services will only bring basic and short-term SEO results, so don’t be surprised if your marketing investment goes wasted.

While it is easy to understand the benefits that businesses get from acquiring cheap SEO services, emphasis should still be given to prioritizing value over cost. Any SEO strategy should not be cheap because content creation and link-building strategies require serious time to produce. To get high-quality organic traffic and conversions, you should prioritize comprehensive SEO services over cheaper ones because your long-term business success will depend on how your SEO strategy is executed correctly.

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