YourMoneyBack Online Tax Refunds – Web Design by Digimark

by | Oct 3, 2017 | Website Projects

YourMoneyBack is an online tax refund website. Our client wanted an easy and quick way for paye earners to claim their tax back via a form on their website. Please check out Digimark’s other pages on web design or digital marketing.

Our first meeting was to get a high-level overview of what the site should look and feel like and to gather functional and non-functional requirements. The design was to be simple and intuitive with an emphasis on getting people to sign and submit the online form.

We created a sign-able form for the end user using a digital signature that is EU-compliant and legally binding. The whole process takes about 2 minutes to complete with the result being a cheque in the post if you are due a refund. Check their site out here.

The initial website was redesigned again in 2019 after being in existence for nearly three years. We initially had used an off-the-shelf third-party software to fulfil the form requirements but had found that when using this particular solution it had added too many steps to the process. We have now designed a new form with some conditional logic and the whole process takes less than 60 seconds. This has made a big difference to the end user and reduced drop-offs and necessary follow-ups when information or the form had not been completed successfully.

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